Bachelor of Clinical Sciences / Doctor of Medicine
Flinders University
Course Details
The Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine requires not less than 6 years of full-time study. The double degree course is offered by the College of Medicine and Public Health.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: In the first 2 years, students will undertake studies in Clinical Sciences with either a Medical Science or Health Sciences focus. In the third year (year 1 of the MD component) students follow four broad themes - Doctor and Patient, Knowledge of Health and Illness, Health Professions and Society and Advanced Studies. There is a strong focus on small group collaborative learning in active classes and hands-on clinical skills. Patient contact begins in week 1 and throughout the four years, students work in groups with TBL facilitators, a clinical tutor or at the bedside with clinicians. Towards the end of second year (year 4 of the double degree), there is a period of intensive clinical skills to prepare students for direct involvement in patient care in the following years. In the final two years, students mainly work alongside practising clinicians as apprentice doctors within the Flinders Medical Centre and/or its associated teaching sites.