Bachelor of Advanced Science
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Bachelor of Advanced Science is designed specifically to develop student learning using an inquiry-oriented and research-immersion model. Students engage in a number of research project subjects based on their chosen major, which include advanced materials and data science; environmental biotechnology; infection and immunity; and pre-medicine. Students are placed with world-leading research scientists and learn 'on the job', actively mentored in research teams learning theory through real-time application and solving real-world problems. More than just a work placement, this course is a holistic learning experience designed to train the next generation of scientists. Career options include positions in biotechnology, medicine, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, patent law and public health for the infection and immunity major. The pre-medicine major prepares students for postgraduate medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, health policy writing, health and medical writing, sales and technical support of medical devices, and the pharmaceutical and therapeutic goods industry. Study of advanced materials can lead to more traditional science-based research and development in government, defence and commercial laboratories; and financial modelling, management and other non-technical fields. Examples of positions in environmental biotechnology include industrial biotechnology for the energy sector (biofuel), agricultural sector (feedstock) and environmental management (phyto-remediation).
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Students must complete 144 credit points, made up of a 102-credit-point major selection, 24 credit points of electives and 18 credit points of core subjects. Majors are available in: infection and immunity; pre-medicine; advanced materials and data science; and environmental biotechnology. This course is offered on a three-year, full-time basis. Students may also be able to complete the course in part-time mode, usually at the rate of two subjects a session (a 50 per cent load), taking six years to complete. Part-time students are required to attend some classes in daytime hours.
Existing students wanting to transfer to this course should be aware that some subjects in the course program will not be available until 2017 or 2018. Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.