Associate Degree of Ministry
Sydney Missionary and Bible College
Course Details
The SMBC Associate Degree of Ministry (AsDegMin) is offered through the SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission. At AQF level 6, it’s ideal for those without an undergraduate degree. It can be studied full-time or part-time. The course is uniquely tailored for those with an interest in missions. It brings together all the strengths of SMBC’s cross-cultural mission experience with specialised units on mission plus cross-cultural fieldwork (either within Australia or overseas). This is balanced with a mix of units on Old Testament, New Testament, theology, church history, preaching and pastoral care. Studying the Associate Degree full-time will also provide you the opportunity to concurrently do the SMBC Certificate in Bible and Mission (CBM). The CBM gives you access to all the benefits of SMBC’s expertise in spiritual formation and will contribute significantly in enabling you to identify your own gifts and abilities, and discover possible cross-cultural ministry vocations.
Qualification: Associate Degree